Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Creativity is not my strongest trait

So, I have sat down I don't know how many times and started to blog about this fun thing or that fun thing only to discover I felt I wasn't doing it justice. I stopped. I would say I will do it start and then never do it. I decided that with the wonderful adventures as a family that we are in now, I needed to get my butt in gear and create memories for a lifetime...in writing.

This all brings me to my point for this post. Two Sennsational Ladies was created because Paityn and I were on our own. Just setting out to be two ladies on our own adventure. Well, we are not just two ladies any longer. We have gained this man into our lives. Although we are Two Sennsational Ladies I feel our family should be represented. So, after hours and hours of thinking and not a single idea coming to mind I am asking for help. Please send me comments or emails with any ideas you may have for what our family blog title should be. If I end up using the name you came up with then there will be a $5 gift card for the coffee place if your choice.


1 comment:

  1. Don't have any ideas for you just yet, but I have to say that I love your new design! I actually contemplated buying it when Jenn had it offered on her design site! :) I will be thinking of ideas for you....Love you and miss you-even though we're in the same town now! Are you still thinking about joining the Thurs. nite Bible study? I'd love to see you every week!!!!!!!!


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